Gemini Celebrities


Here is a list of famous people that are Gemini. If we are missing someone famous that you’d like us to add, or you would like us to add your name in with the stars, we’d only be happy to do so. Drop us a message on our Facebook page @lottohoroscopes and ask us about Gemini celebrities.

It took us no time at all to find a list of prominent Gemini celebrities, the list just goes on and on. Geminis tend to be quick-witted and expressive people who are generally non-confrontational however they can be quick to put people in their place (yes Donald Trump is a Gemini too!). The list includes famous actors/actresses, writers, politicians and Sports stars, a wide cross section of the celebrity world.

Gemini Celebrities

Angelina Jolie  June 4, 1975

Anna Kournikova  June 7, 1981

Björn Borg  June 6, 1956

Bob Hope  May 29, 1903

Che Guevara  June 14, 1928

Cillian Murphy  May 25, 1976

Clint Eastwood  May 31, 1930

Colin Farrell May  31, 1976

Donald Trump  June 14, 1946

Duke of Edinburgh  June 10, 1921

Elizabeth Hurley  June 10, 1965

Frank Lampard  June 20, 1978

Helena Bonham Carter  May 26, 1966

Ian Fleming  May 28, 1908

John F. Kennedy  May 29, 1917

John Wayne  May 26, 1907

Johnny Depp  June 9, 1963

Judy Garland  June 10, 1922

Kanye West  June 8, 1977

Lauryn Hill  May 26, 1975

Marilyn Monroe  June 1, 1926

Mark Wahlberg  June 5, 1971

Michael J. Fox  June 9, 1961

Morgan Freeman  June 1, 1937

Nicole Kidman  June 20, 1967

Novak Djokovic  May 22, 1987

Paul McCartney  June 18, 1942

Rafael Nadal  May 3, 1986

Tupac Shakur  June 16, 1971

Venus Williams  June 17, 1980


Wow, now that’s an impressive list of Gemini celebrities! Who is your favourite and do you think that the people there possess the character traits of typical Geminis? We think they do and it’s not a coincidence that Geminis tend to be intelligent and have a ‘sharp tongue’ (need we say more about Kanye West and the Duke of Edinburgh).

Please do let us know if there is anyone else you would like to see on the list but contacting us on our Facebook page @lottohoroscopes

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