Aquarius Celebrities


Here is a list of famous people that are Aquarians. If we are missing someone famous that you’d like us to add, or you would like us to add your name in with the stars, we’d only be happy to do so. Drop us a message on our Facebook page @lottohoroscopes and ask us about Aquarius celebrities.

There are so many Aquarius celebrities that is was so easy to put this list together. You can judge for yourself but if you look through the list below you are going to find plenty of people in there who are: eccentric, not boring, positive and independent souls. They seem to be so true to the characteristics of their star sign that it is uncanny. There is an abundance of talent in this list with musicians, artists, actors and actresses making up the majority if the list.

Abraham Lincoln  February 12, 1809

Alessandro Volta  February 18, 1745

Alice Cooper  February 4, 1948

Ashton Kutcher  February 7, 1978

Benicio del Toro  February 19, 1967

Charles Darwin  February 12, 1809

Christian Bale  January 30, 1974

Clark Gable  February 1, 1901

Cristiano Ronaldo  February 5, 1985

Elijah Wood  February 28, 1981

Galileo Galilei  February 15, 1564

Geena Davis  January 21, 1956

Harry Styles  February 1, 1994

Heather Graham  January 29, 1970

James Dean  February 8, 1931

Jennifer Aniston  February 11, 1969

John McEnroe  February 16, 1959

John Travolta  February 18, 1954

Justin Timberlake  January 31, 1981

Michael Jordan  February 17, 1963

Paris Hilton  February 17, 1981

Paul Newman  January 26, 1925

Phil Collins  January 30, 1951

Robbie Williams  February 13, 1974

Ronald Reagan  February 6, 1911

Shakira  February 2, 1977

Sheryl Crow  February 11, 1962

Thomas Edison  February 11, 1847

Tom Selleck  January 29, 1945

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  January 27, 1756


So who is your favourite on the list? Do you agree that have these Aquarius celebrities have the typical characteristics of their star sign? We certainly do and we don’t think it’s a coincedence! Please do let us know if there is anyone else you would like to see on the list or if you would like us to add you there by contacting us on our Facebook page @lottohoroscopes

Don’t forget to check out your Aquarius weekly numbers and your Aquarius Use your numbers page where you can find the best websites to try your luck! To visit our homepage click here.

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