Libra Celebrities


Here is a list of famous people that are Libras. If we are missing someone famous that you’d like us to add, or you would like us to add your name in with the stars, we’d only be happy to do so. Drop us a message on our Facebook page @lottohoroscopes and ask us about Libra celebrities.

Libras can be both peaceful and loving and also stubborn and indecisive. Generally speaking they are advocates of justice, truth, harmony and fair play. The list we have for you of Libra celebrities certainly includes a lot of the personality traits just mentioned.

Alicia Silverstone  October 4, 1976

Catherine Zeta-Jones  September 25, 1969

Christopher Reeve  September 25, 1952

Clive Owen  October 3, 1964

David Cameron  October 9, 1966

Hilary Duff  September 28, 1987

Hugh Jackman  October 12, 1968

Jean-Claude Van Damme  October 18, 1960

John Krasinski  October 20, 1979

Kate Winslet  October 5, 1975

Martina Navratilova  October 18, 1956

Matt Damon  October 8, 1970

Michael Douglas  September 25, 1944

Naomi Watts  September 28, 1968

Neve Campbell  October 3, 1973

Serena Williams  September 26, 1981

Sigourney Weaver  October 8, 1949

Snoop Dogg  October 20, 1971

Sting  October 2, 1951

Vladimir Putin  October 7, 1952

Will Smith  September 25, 1968

Zac Efron  October 18, 1987


There is certainly plenty of talented people in the list above and we can see the mix of peaceful and loving and indecisive and stubbornness. It is one of the most interesting and complex star signs and Libras are usually a study case on their own.

Please do let us know if there is anyone else you would like to see on the list but contacting us on our Facebook page @lottohoroscopes

Don’t forget to check out your Libra weekly numbers by clicking on the link here and should you want to try them out on a lotto site, we recommend multilotto to suit the characteristics and personality of Libras. You can get their generous welcome package by clicking on the banner below. Best of luck and let us know if you have a big win with your numbers!




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